I often joke with my friends and family that I have no chill. I have no in-between, and I don’t know what a grey area is. I’m either all in or not at all. If I’m happy, I’m bursting with joy. If I’m sad, you’d think the sky was falling. If I’m angry … well, hell hath no fury like my wrath. I live in extremes.
I also happen to be a walking oxymoron. I’m a social homebody. A devilish angel. A bold shy girl. Sometimes I’m outgoing and lively and talkative. Other times, I’m withdrawn, quiet, and reserved. I like organized chaos (yes, this is a thing). I’m part sensitive, part savage. May the odds be ever in your favor.
We have all had those moments that leave us wondering, “Is it me?” or “What did I do/say wrong?” Maybe you thought you aced an interview, but never heard back from the company. Maybe you were passed over for promotion. Maybe some love interest rejected you. Whatever the situation, it’s normal to think, “Now, what in the sea biscuit just happened here?” I have those moments all too often! The opinion of others does not make us any less awesome!
Listen, I am not everyone’s cup of tea. But at the end of the day, I know I am a great person. I made up my mind that I never want to waste another minute questioning myself over the opinion of someone else. Everyone is not meant to like me. Nor is everyone prepared to handle all of this. I am learning to be okay with that. I’m sassy.  I love to laugh. I am no good at hiding my emotions. I am sweet as pie, but have a streak of vindictiveness in me. I will always be too tall, too sassy, too quiet, too whatever to someone. But should that really be my problem? Nope.
Poetic Jae Piece of the Day is this: Be unapologetically you! Whatever that may look like, embrace it. Love yourself, flaws and all. Despite the criticism you may receive, despite popular believe, the only opinion of you that truly matters is your own. Revel in the feeling of proudness for who you are, and don’t you dare apologize for any of it. Those who are meant to share your world will still think the world of you anyway.